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Donec malesuada dictum sodales. Donec gravida pellentesque scelerisque. Vivamus fermentum, leo vitae molestie blandit, ligula risus ullamcorper leo, nec lacinia felis eros in ligula.

  1. Use the Contact Form to let us know you are interested.

  2. You will be contacted by Arbiter Sports(link is external) with an invitation to our online database. Arbiter Sports is our online assigning service.

  3. Minimum Requirements for membership in the MAC POLO Referees’ Association are:
    1. To Officiate High School Games
      • Completion of High School
      • Reasonable knowledge of the sport
      • Reliable transportation
    2. To Officiate Inter-Collegiate Games
      • 18 years of age or older
      • Completion of High School
      • Must possess knowledge and experience of basic water polo principles
      • Recommendation from a senior water polo official
      • Reliable transportation
    3. Review the following materials on this website
    4. Take the MAC POLO Water Polo Rules Test and submit the answer sheet as directed on the answer sheet or bring to a MAC POLO meeting or clinic.
    5. Print, sign and mail an Independent Contractor Agreement to:

      MAC POLO
      3000 F Danville Blvd, Ste 129
      Alamo, CA 94507
      or bring to MAC POLO meeting or clinic

    6. DUES: $120 annual membership. Please make check payable to:

      MAC POLO
      3000 F Danville Blvd, Ste 129
      Alamo, CA 94507

      Membership dues include:
      NFHS (High School)
      Fox 40 classic whistle and lanyard
      Yellow/Red Cards
      Insurance through NASO(link is external)

    7. Attend the general membership meetings.

    8. Keep information updated on your personal account with ArbiterSports.